10 strategies that can help ESG investors make a difference

10 strategies that can help ESG investors make a difference

With rising social and environmental issues at the global level, it is each one’s responsibility to do their bit for the greater good.  As investors, the best way to contribute to a noble cause is through Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) investments.  ESG investments  involve buying shares and securities only  from companies with high environmental and social responsibility scores.  But one must have a strategy before venturing into ESG investments. Best-in-class screening This strategy is also called positive screening. It requires people to invest only in the top companies from specific niches.  One may set certain criteria the companies must meet to qualify  to be in  their portfolio.  For instance, those who invest in the automobile industry may shortlist companies that manufacture vehicles with the lowest carbon dioxide emissions. This way, one can consciously encourage environmentally and socially responsible companies to advance in their journeys. Exclusionary screening Also called negative screening, this strategy is  the opposite of  best-in-class screening.   It  essentially  involves excluding certain companies or industries from one’s portfolio.  Exclusionary screening is usually based on one’s specific objective related to ESG investments. For example, if one aims to reduce carbon emissions, one may boycott investments in companies that have recorded high carbon footprints in their manufacturing processes.
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